5 Things That You Had No Idea Could Be Hurting Your Back

  • Your back pocket – this goes out to all the back pocket wallet carriers. Filling your back pocket can cause you to sit with one pelvis sitting higher than the other, this then changes the way your spine is while you are sitting, changing the way muscles are holding, making one side tighter. Do yourself a favour, don’t sit with anything in your back pockets, front pockets all the way.

  • Sleeping on your stomach- Hello tight neck and shoulders, and in some cases, hello headaches! Sleeping on your stomach with your head turned to one side stretches the muscles on the opposite side, and can lead to changes in the way your spine is moving. You could wake up with neck tightness, this just effects the whole day. Opt for sleeping on your side or on your back.

  • Your bag- this applies to handbags, school bags and briefcases. Carrying heavy bags on one side can create a curve in your back as your body works hard to keep you upright and straight while you carry this foreign object to your bodies equilibrium- opt for two shoulder carrying straps, swap sides or lighten the load.

  • Your phone- yes , our beloved phones that come everywhere with us. How? It is the posture we keep while looking at our screens. It is being labelled as Text Neck, or forward head posture. There is a strong relationship between poor posture and chronic pain conditions such as lower back pain, neck related headaches and stress- related illnesses“The extra pressure imposed on the neck from poor posture flattens the normal cervical curve resulting in abnormal strain on muscles, ligaments, fascia and bones.”To combat this, lift up your screens and strength your extensor back muscles to help you strength and keep the posture upright

  • Your computer- similar concept to the Text neck , we are seeing more forward head posture, more issues with lower backs & increases in headaches. Lift up your work station, computer laptop to eye level. You have one spine remember that

Tips to help you look after your spine:

  • Exercise & strength your muscles

  • Mindful of your daily posture

  • Stretch your muscles, take breaks to walk around, look up stretches for your neck, shoulders and gluts

  • See your chiropractor- if you’re experiencing tightness, pains or restrictions in your movement through your spine or muscles, it’s time to get a checkup!

  • Speak with your chiropractor! Their job is to look after your spine, voice your concerns and ask for recommendations as to the best pillows for your frame, the best work stations or exercises to do, they are trained to provide the best resources and treatment to keep your spine healthy.

Yours in health,

Dr Diana Pakzamir


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Things You Did Not Know About Your Posture